
As a package

To use firepit in a project:

from firepit import get_storage

db = get_storage('observations.db', session_id)
db.cache('my_query_id', ['bundle1.json', 'bundle2.json'])

After caching your STIX bundles, your database will contain the data.

Passing a file path to get_storage will use sqlite3. Passing in a PostgreSQL connection URI (e.g. postgresql://…) will instead attempt to connect to the PostgreSQL instance specified.

As a tool

You can use the firepit command line tool to ingest and query your data.

To make things easier, you can set a pair of environment variables:

export FIREPITDB=my_dbname
export FIREPITID=my_session_id

FIREPITDB is your DB filename (sqlite3) or connection URI (PostgreSQL). FIREPITID is a “session” ID you can use to keep your data organized.

$ firepit --help
Usage: firepit [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Columnar storage for STIX observations

  --dbname TEXT   Path/name of database
  --session TEXT  Session ID to data separation  [default: test-id]
  --help          Show this message and exit.

  assign           Perform an operation on a column and name the result
  cache            Cache STIX observation data in SQL
  columns          Get the columns names of a view/table
  count            Get the count of rows in a view/table
  delete           Delete STIX observation data in SQL
  extract          Create a view of a subset of cached data
  filter           Create a filtered view of a subset of cached data
  get-appdata      Get the app-specific data for a view
  join             Join two views
  load             Cache STIX observation data in SQL
  lookup           Retrieve a view
  merge            Merge 2 or more views into a new view
  number-observed  Retrieve the count of values of a column from a view
  reassign         Update/replace STIX observation data in SQL
  remove           Remove a view
  rename           Rename a view
  schema           Get the schema of a view/table
  set-appdata      Set the app-specific data for a view
  sql              Run a SQL statement on the database [DANGEROUS!]
  summary          Retrieve timeframe and count from a view
  tables           Get all view/table names
  timestamped      Retrieve the timestamped values of a column from a view
  type             Get the SCO type of a view/table
  value-counts     Retrieve the value counts of a column from a view
  values           Retrieve the values of a STIX object path from a view
  viewdata         Get view data for views [default is all views]
  views            Get all view names

$ firepit cache --help
Usage: firepit cache [OPTIONS] QUERY_ID FILENAMES...

  Cache STIX observation data in SQL

  QUERY_ID      An identifier for this set of data  [required]
  FILENAMES...  STIX bundle files of query results  [required]

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Firepit also includes a utility called splint. This tool supports multiple commands for manipulating STIX 2.0 bundles (2.1 is not yet supported), including randomzing IDs, shifting timestamps, and converting other log formats to STIX observations.

The convert command currently supports the JSON format at as well as Zeek conn.log and dns.log.

$ splint
Usage: splint [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  STIX processing and linting

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  convert        Convert various log files to STIX 2.0 bundles
  dedup-ids      Replace duplicate IDs with random IDs
  limit          Truncate STIX bundle
  randomize-ids  Randomize STIX observation IDs in a bundle
  timeshift      Timeshift STIX observations in a bundle
  upgrade        Upgrade a STIX 2.0 bundle to 2.1