Source code for firepit.sqlstorage

import logging
import re
import uuid

from collections import defaultdict

import ujson

from firepit import raft
from firepit.deref import auto_deref
from firepit.deref import auto_deref_cached
from firepit.deref import unresolve
from firepit.exceptions import DatabaseMismatch
from firepit.exceptions import IncompatibleType
from firepit.exceptions import InvalidAttr
from firepit.exceptions import InvalidObject
from firepit.exceptions import InvalidStixPath
from firepit.exceptions import StixPatternError
from firepit.exceptions import UnknownViewname
from firepit.props import auto_agg
from firepit.props import auto_agg_tuple
from firepit.props import parse_path
from firepit.props import parse_prop
from firepit.props import primary_prop
from firepit.query import Aggregation
from firepit.query import Column
from firepit.query import BinnedColumn
from firepit.query import Filter
from firepit.query import Group
from firepit.query import Join
from firepit.query import Limit
from firepit.query import Offset
from firepit.query import Order
from firepit.query import Predicate
from firepit.query import Projection
from firepit.query import Query
from firepit.query import Table
from firepit.splitter import SplitWriter
from firepit.stix20 import stix2sql
from firepit.stix21 import makeid
from firepit.validate import validate_name
from firepit.validate import validate_path

DB_VERSION = "2.2"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _transform(filename):
    for obj in raft.get_objects(filename):  #, ['identity', 'observed-data']):
        # Some identity objects from stix-shifter are missing a `type` property?
        if 'type' not in obj:
            obj['type'], _, _ = obj['id'].rpartition('--')
        if obj['type'] != 'identity':
            for o in raft.flatten(obj):
                yield o
            yield obj

def _get_col_dict(store):
    q = Query('__columns')
    col_dict = defaultdict(list)
    results = store.run_query(q).fetchall()
    for result in results:
    return col_dict

def _format_query(query, dialect):
    query_text, query_values = query.render('{}', dialect)
    formatted_values = [f"'{v}'" if isinstance(v, str) else v for v in query_values]
    return query_text.format(*formatted_values)

def _make_aggs(group_cols, sco_type, schema):
    group_colnames = { if hasattr(c, 'name') else c for c in group_cols}
    aggs = []
    for col in schema:
        # Don't aggregate the columns we used for grouping
        if col['name'] in group_colnames:
        agg = auto_agg_tuple(sco_type, col['name'], col['type'])
        if agg:
    return Aggregation(aggs)

[docs]def infer_type(key, value): if key == 'id': rtype = 'TEXT UNIQUE' elif key in ['number_observed', 'src_port', 'dst_port', 'x_firepit_rank']: rtype = 'INTEGER' elif key == 'ipfix.flowId': rtype = 'TEXT' # Should be uint64, but that's not supported anywhere! elif isinstance(value, int): rtype = 'BIGINT' elif isinstance(value, float): rtype = 'REAL' elif isinstance(value, list): rtype = 'TEXT' else: rtype = 'TEXT' return rtype
[docs]def get_path_joins(viewname, sco_type, column): """Determine if `column` has implicit Joins and return them if so""" aliases = {sco_type: viewname} links = parse_path(column) if ':' in column else parse_prop(sco_type, column) target_table = None target_column = None results = [] # Query components to return for link in links: if link[0] == 'node': if not target_table: target_table = link[1] or viewname if not target_column: target_column = link[2] else: target_column += f'.{link[2]}' elif link[0] == 'rel': from_type = link[1] or viewname ref_name = link[2] if target_column: target_column = None to_type = link[3] target_table = to_type lhs = aliases.get(from_type, from_type) alias, _, _ = ref_name.rpartition('_') aliases[to_type] = alias if ref_name.endswith('_refs'): # Handle reflist # TODO: need to add ref_name to Join condition? results.append(Join('__reflist', 'id', '=', 'source_ref', lhs=lhs, alias='r')) results.append(Join(to_type, 'target_ref', '=', 'id', lhs='r', alias=alias)) else: results.append(Join(to_type, ref_name, '=', 'id', lhs=lhs, alias=alias, how='LEFT OUTER')) target_table = aliases.get(target_table, target_table) return results, target_table, target_column
[docs]class SqlStorage: def __init__(self): self.connection = None # Python DB API connection object self.placeholder = '%s' # Derived class can override this self.dialect = None # Derived class can override this # Functions to use for min/max text. It can vary - sqlite3 # uses MIN/MAX, postgresql uses LEAST/GREATEST self.text_min = 'MIN' self.text_max = 'MAX' # Function that returns first non-null arg_type self.ifnull = 'IFNULL' # Python-to-SQL type mapper self.infer_type = infer_type
[docs] def close(self): if self.connection: #logger.debug("Closing %s connection", # self.connection.__class__.__module__.split('.', 1)[0]) self.connection.close()
def _get_writer(self, **kwargs): """Get a DB inserter object""" # This is DB-specific raise NotImplementedError('SqlStorage._get_writer') def _initdb(self, cursor): """Do some initial DB setup""" stmt = ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "__metadata" ' '(name TEXT, value TEXT);') self._execute(stmt, cursor) stmt = ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "__symtable" ' '(name TEXT, type TEXT, appdata TEXT,' ' UNIQUE(name));') self._execute(stmt, cursor) stmt = ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "__queries" ' '(sco_id TEXT, query_id TEXT);') self._execute(stmt, cursor) stmt = ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "__contains" ' '(source_ref TEXT, target_ref TEXT, x_firepit_rank,' ' UNIQUE(source_ref, target_ref) ON CONFLICT IGNORE);') self._execute(stmt, cursor) stmt = ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "__columns" ' '(otype TEXT, path TEXT, shortname TEXT, dtype TEXT,' ' UNIQUE(otype, path));') self._execute(stmt, cursor) self._set_meta(cursor, 'dbversion', DB_VERSION) self.connection.commit() cursor.close() def _checkdb(self): dbversion = 0 stmt = 'SELECT value FROM "__metadata" WHERE name = \'dbversion\'' try: cursor = self._query(stmt) except UnknownViewname: raise DatabaseMismatch(dbversion, DB_VERSION) res = cursor.fetchone() dbversion = res['value'] if res else "" if dbversion != DB_VERSION: if self._migrate(dbversion, cursor): self._set_meta(cursor, 'dbversion', DB_VERSION) else: raise DatabaseMismatch(dbversion, DB_VERSION) def _migrate(self, _version, _cursor): return False def _set_meta(self, cursor, name, value): stmt = ('INSERT INTO "__metadata" (name, value)' f' VALUES ({self.placeholder}, {self.placeholder});') cursor.execute(stmt, (name, value)) def _new_name(self, cursor, name, sco_type): stmt = ('INSERT INTO "__symtable" (name, type)' f' VALUES ({self.placeholder}, {self.placeholder})' ' ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET type = EXCLUDED.type') cursor.execute(stmt, (name, sco_type)) def _drop_name(self, cursor, name): stmt = f'DELETE FROM "__symtable" WHERE name = {self.placeholder};' cursor.execute(stmt, (name,)) def _execute(self, statement, cursor=None): """Private wrapper for logging SQL statements""" logger.debug('Executing statement: %s', statement) if not cursor: cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(statement) return cursor def _command(self, cmd, cursor=None): """Private wrapper for logging SQL commands""" logger.debug('Executing command: %s', cmd) if not cursor: cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(cmd) self.connection.commit() def _query(self, query, values=None, cursor=None): """Private wrapper for logging SQL query""" logger.debug('Executing query: %s', query) if not cursor: cursor = self.connection.cursor() if not values: values = () cursor.execute(query, values) self.connection.commit() return cursor def _select(self, tvname, cols="*", sortby=None, groupby=None, ascending=True, limit=None, offset=None, where=None): """Generate a SELECT query on table or view `tvname`""" # TODO: Deprecate this in favor of query module validate_name(tvname) if cols != "*": cols = ", ".join([f'"{col}"' if not col.startswith("'") else col for col in cols]) stmt = f'SELECT {cols} FROM "{tvname}"' if where: stmt += f' WHERE {where}' if groupby: validate_path(groupby) # For grouping, we need to aggregate data in the columns. aggs = [ 'MIN("type") as "type"', f'"{groupby}"', ] sco_type = self.table_type(tvname) for col in self.schema(tvname): # Don't aggregate the column we used for grouping if col['name'] == groupby: continue agg = auto_agg(sco_type, col['name'], col['type']) if agg: aggs.append(agg) group_cols = ', '.join(aggs) stmt = f'SELECT {group_cols} from "{tvname}"' stmt += f' GROUP BY "{groupby}"' if sortby: validate_path(sortby) stmt += f' ORDER BY "{sortby}" ' + ('ASC' if ascending else 'DESC') if limit: if not isinstance(limit, int): raise TypeError('LIMIT must be an integer') stmt += f' LIMIT {limit}' if offset: if not isinstance(offset, int): raise TypeError('LIMIT must be an integer') stmt += f' OFFSET {offset}' return stmt def _create_index(self, tablename, cursor): if tablename in ['__contains', '__reflist', 'relationship']: for col in ['source_ref', 'target_ref']: self._execute(f'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "{tablename}_{col}_idx" ON "{tablename}" ("{col}");', cursor) def _create_table(self, tablename, columns): stmt = f'CREATE TABLE "{tablename}" (' stmt += ','.join([f'"{colname}" {coltype}' for colname, coltype in columns.items()]) stmt += ');' logger.debug('_create_table: "%s"', stmt) cursor = self._execute(stmt) self._create_index(tablename, cursor) self.connection.commit() cursor.close() def _add_column(self, tablename, prop_name, prop_type): stmt = f'ALTER TABLE "{tablename}" ADD COLUMN "{prop_name}" {prop_type};' logger.debug('new_property: "%s"', stmt) self._execute(stmt) def _create_view(self, viewname, select, sco_type, deps=None, cursor=None): # This is DB-specific raise NotImplementedError('Storage._create_view') def _recreate_view(self, viewname, viewdef, cursor): self._execute(f'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "{viewname}"', cursor) self._execute(f'CREATE VIEW "{viewname}" AS {viewdef}', cursor) def _get_view_def(self, viewname): # This is DB-specific raise NotImplementedError('Storage._get_view_def') def _is_sql_view(self, name, cursor=None): ## This is DB-specific raise NotImplementedError('Storage._is_sql_view')
[docs] def path_joins(self, viewname, sco_type, column): """Determine if `column` has implicit Joins and return them if so""" if not sco_type: sco_type = self.table_type(viewname) return get_path_joins(viewname, sco_type, column)
def _extract(self, viewname, sco_type, tablename, pattern, query_id=None): """Extract rows from `tablename` to create view `viewname`""" validate_name(viewname) validate_name(tablename) try: where = stix2sql(pattern, sco_type, self.dialect) if pattern else None except Exception as e: logger.error('%s', e) raise StixPatternError(pattern) from e if query_id: clause = f"query_id = '{query_id}'" if where: where = f"{clause} AND ({where})" else: where = clause # Need to convert viewname from identifier to string, so use single quotes cursor = self._execute('BEGIN;') select = (f'SELECT "{sco_type}".* FROM "{sco_type}" WHERE "id" IN' f' (SELECT "{sco_type}".id FROM "{sco_type}"' f' INNER JOIN __queries ON "{sco_type}".id = __queries.sco_id' f' WHERE {where});') cursor = self._create_view(viewname, select, sco_type, deps=[tablename], cursor=cursor) self.connection.commit() cursor.close() def _get_excluded(self, colnames, tablename): excluded = [] for col in colnames: if col == 'first_observed': excluded.append(f'first_observed = {self.text_min}("{tablename}".first_observed, EXCLUDED.first_observed)') elif col == 'last_observed': excluded.append(f'last_observed = {self.text_max}("{tablename}".last_observed, EXCLUDED.last_observed)') elif col == 'number_observed': excluded.append(f'number_observed = "{tablename}".number_observed + EXCLUDED.number_observed') elif col == 'id': continue else: excluded.append(f'"{col}" = COALESCE(EXCLUDED."{col}", "{tablename}"."{col}")') return ', '.join(excluded)
[docs] def upsert(self, cursor, tablename, obj, query_id, schema): colnames = [k for k in list(schema.keys()) if k != 'type'] excluded = self._get_excluded(colnames, tablename) valnames = ', '.join([f'"{x}"' for x in colnames]) placeholders = ', '.join([self.placeholder] * len(colnames)) stmt = f'INSERT INTO "{tablename}" ({valnames}) VALUES ({placeholders})' if 'id' in colnames: if excluded and tablename != 'observed-data': action = f'UPDATE SET {excluded}' else: action = 'NOTHING' stmt += f' ON CONFLICT (id) DO {action}' values = tuple([ujson.dumps(value, ensure_ascii=False) if isinstance(value, (list, dict)) else value for value in obj]) #logger.debug('_upsert: "%s", %s', stmt, values) cursor.execute(stmt, values) if query_id and 'id' in colnames: # Now add to query table as well idx = colnames.index('id') stmt = (f'INSERT INTO "__queries" (sco_id, query_id)' f' VALUES ({self.placeholder}, {self.placeholder})') cursor.execute(stmt, (obj[idx], query_id))
[docs] def upsert_many(self, cursor, tablename, objs, query_id, schema): for obj in objs: self.upsert(cursor, tablename, obj, query_id, schema)
[docs] def cache(self, query_id, bundles, batchsize=2000, **kwargs): """Cache the result of a query/dataset Takes the `observed-data` SDOs from `bundles` and "flattens" them, splits out SCOs by type, and inserts into a database with 1 table per type. Accepts some keyword args for runtime options, some of which may depend on what database type is in use (e.g. sqlite3, postgresql, ...) Args: query_id (str): a unique identifier for this set of bundles bundles (list): STIX bundles (either in-memory Python objects or filename paths) batchsize (int): number of objects to insert in 1 batch (defaults to 2000) """ logger.debug('Caching %s', query_id) if not isinstance(bundles, list): bundles = [bundles] writer = self._get_writer(**kwargs) splitter = SplitWriter(writer, batchsize=batchsize, query_id=str(query_id)) # walk the bundles and figure out all the columns for bundle in bundles: if isinstance(bundle, str): logger.debug('- Caching %s', bundle) for obj in _transform(bundle): splitter.write(obj) splitter.close()
[docs] def assign(self, viewname, on, op=None, by=None, ascending=True, limit=None): """ DEPRECATED: Perform (unary) operation `op` on `on` and store result as `viewname` """ validate_name(viewname) validate_name(on) query = Query(on) if by: validate_path(by) sco_type, _, by = by.rpartition(':') target_column = by if by not in self.columns(on): joins, _, target_column = self.path_joins(on, sco_type, by) query.extend(joins) if op == 'sort': query.append(Order([(target_column, Order.ASC if ascending else Order.DESC)])) if limit: query.append(Limit(limit)) #query.append(Projection(self.columns(on))) # Is this necessary? cols = [Column(c, table=on) for c in self.columns(on)] query.append(Projection(cols)) # Is this necessary? elif op == 'group': query.append(Group([Column(target_column, alias=by)])) self.assign_query(viewname, query)
[docs] def load(self, viewname, objects, sco_type=None, query_id=None, preserve_ids=True): """Import `objects` as type `sco_type` and store as `viewname`""" validate_name(viewname) if not query_id: # Look inside data if 'query_id' in objects[0]: query_id = objects[0]['query_id'] else: query_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) writer = self._get_writer(query_id=query_id) splitter = SplitWriter(writer, batchsize=1000, query_id=str(query_id)) for obj in objects: if not sco_type: # objects MUST be dicts with a type if 'type' not in obj: raise InvalidObject('missing `type`') sco_type = obj['type'] if isinstance(obj, str): obj = {'type': sco_type, primary_prop(sco_type): obj} elif not isinstance(obj, dict): raise InvalidObject('Unknown data format') if 'type' not in obj: obj['type'] = sco_type if 'id' not in obj or not preserve_ids: obj['id'] = makeid(obj) splitter.write(obj) splitter.close() self.extract(viewname, sco_type, query_id, '') return sco_type
[docs] def reassign(self, viewname, objects): """Replace `objects` (or insert them if they're not there)""" validate_name(viewname) # TODO: ensure viewname exists? Do we care? # Ignore it if objects is empty if not objects: return cursor = self._execute('BEGIN;') if 'id' not in objects[0]: # Maybe it's aggregates? Do "copy-on-write" self._execute(f'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "{viewname}"', cursor) columns = [key for key in objects[0].keys() if key != 'type'] schema = {} for col in columns: schema[col] = self.infer_type(col, objects[0][col]) self._create_table(viewname, schema) records = [[obj.get(col) for col in columns] for obj in objects] self.upsert_many(cursor, viewname, records, None, schema) viewdef = self._select(viewname) else: writer = self._get_writer() splitter = SplitWriter(writer, batchsize=1000, replace=True) for obj in unresolve(objects): if 'type' not in obj: raise InvalidObject('missing `type`') elif not isinstance(obj, dict): raise InvalidObject('Unknown data format') if 'id' not in obj: raise InvalidObject('missing `id`') splitter.write(obj) splitter.close() viewdef = self._get_view_def(viewname) self._recreate_view(viewname, viewdef, cursor) self.connection.commit()
[docs] def join(self, viewname, l_var, l_on, r_var, r_on): """Join vars `l_var` and `r_var` and store result as `viewname`""" validate_name(viewname) validate_name(l_var) validate_name(r_var) validate_path(l_on) validate_path(r_on) l_cols = set(self.columns(l_var)) r_cols = set(self.columns(r_var)) l_type, _, l_on = l_on.rpartition(':') r_type, _, r_on = r_on.rpartition(':') cols = set() for col in l_cols - r_cols: cols.add(f'{l_var}."{col}" AS "{col}"') for col in l_cols & r_cols: cols.add(f'{self.ifnull}({l_var}."{col}", {r_var}."{col}") AS "{col}"') for col in r_cols - l_cols: cols.add(f'{r_var}."{col}" as "{col}"') scols = ', '.join(cols) stmt = (f'SELECT {scols} FROM' f' {l_var} INNER JOIN {r_var}' f' ON {l_var}."{l_on}" = {r_var}."{r_on}"') sco_type = self.table_type(l_var) cursor = self._create_view(viewname, stmt, sco_type, deps=[l_var, r_var]) self.connection.commit() cursor.close()
[docs] def extract(self, viewname, sco_type, query_id, pattern): """ Extract all `sco_type` object from the results of `query_id` and store as `viewname` """ validate_name(viewname) logger.debug('Extract %s as %s from %s with %s', sco_type, viewname, query_id, pattern) self._extract(viewname, sco_type, sco_type, pattern, query_id)
[docs] def filter(self, viewname, sco_type, input_view, pattern): """ Extract all `sco_type` object from `input_view` and store as `viewname` """ validate_name(viewname) validate_name(input_view) logger.debug('Filter %s as %s from %s with %s', sco_type, viewname, input_view, pattern) slct = self._get_view_def(input_view) try: where = stix2sql(pattern, sco_type, self.dialect) if pattern else None except Exception as e: logger.error('%s', e) raise StixPatternError(pattern) from e slct = f'SELECT * FROM ({slct}) AS tmp' if where: slct += f' WHERE {where}' cursor = self._create_view(viewname, slct, sco_type, deps=[input_view]) self.connection.commit() cursor.close()
[docs] def lookup(self, viewname, cols="*", limit=None, offset=None, col_dict=None): """Get the value of `viewname`""" # Preserve sort order, if it's been specified # The joins below can reorder viewdef = self._get_view_def(viewname) match ="ORDER BY \"([a-z0-9:'\._\-]*)\" (ASC|DESC)$", viewdef) if match: sort = (Column(, viewname), else: sort = None qry = Query(viewname) if cols != "*": dbcols = self.columns(viewname) if isinstance(cols, str): cols = cols.replace(" ", "").split(",") proj = [] for col in cols: if col not in dbcols: try: validate_path(col) except InvalidStixPath as e: raise InvalidAttr(f"{col}") from e joins, target_table, target_column = self.path_joins(viewname, None, col) qry.extend(joins) proj.append(Column(target_column, table=target_table, alias=col)) else: proj.append(Column(col, viewname)) qry.append(Projection(proj)) else: if col_dict: if viewname not in col_dict: dbcols = self.columns(viewname) else: dbcols = col_dict[viewname] joins, proj = auto_deref_cached(viewname, dbcols, col_dict) else: joins, proj = auto_deref(self, viewname) if joins: qry.extend(joins) if proj: qry.append(proj) if sort: qry.append(Order([sort])) if limit: qry.append(Limit(limit)) if offset: qry.append(Offset(offset)) cursor = self.run_query(qry) results = cursor.fetchall() sco_type = self.table_type(viewname) or viewname if 'type' in cols or cols == '*': for result in results: result['type'] = sco_type return results
[docs] def values(self, path, viewname): """Get the values of STIX object path `path` (a column) from `viewname`""" validate_path(path) validate_name(viewname) sco_type, _, column = path.rpartition(':') if not sco_type: sco_type = viewname # TODO: verify this is OK to do qry = Query(viewname) if column not in self.columns(viewname): joins, target_table, target_column = self.path_joins(viewname, sco_type, column) qry.extend(joins) qry.append(Projection([Column(target_column, table=target_table, alias=column)])) else: qry.append(Projection([column])) cursor = self.run_query(qry) result = cursor.fetchall() return [row[column] for row in result]
[docs] def count(self, viewname): """Get the count of objects (rows) in `viewname`""" validate_name(viewname) stmt = f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "{viewname}"' cursor = self._query(stmt) res = cursor.fetchone() return int(list(res.values())[0]) if res else 0
[docs] def tables(self): """Get all table names""" # This is DB-specific raise NotImplementedError('Storage.tables')
[docs] def types(self, private=False): """Get all table names that correspond to SCO types""" # This is DB-specific raise NotImplementedError('Storage.types')
[docs] def views(self): """Get all view names""" stmt = 'SELECT name FROM __symtable' cursor = self._query(stmt) result = cursor.fetchall() return [row['name'] for row in result]
[docs] def table_type(self, viewname): """Get the SCO type for table/view `viewname`""" validate_name(viewname) stmt = f'SELECT "type" FROM "__symtable" WHERE name = {self.placeholder};' cursor = self._query(stmt, (viewname,)) res = cursor.fetchone() return list(res.values())[0] if res else None
[docs] def columns(self, viewname): """Get the column names (properties) of `viewname`""" # This is DB-specific raise NotImplementedError('Storage.columns')
[docs] def schema(self, viewname=None): """ Get the schema (names and types) of table/view `viewname` or all tables if not specified """ # This is DB-specific raise NotImplementedError('Storage.schema')
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete ALL data in this store""" # This is DB-specific raise NotImplementedError('Storage.delete')
[docs] def set_appdata(self, viewname, data): """Attach app-specific data to a viewname""" validate_name(viewname) stmt = (f'UPDATE "__symtable" SET appdata = {self.placeholder}' f' WHERE name = {self.placeholder};') values = (data, viewname) cursor = self._query(stmt, values=values) cursor.close()
[docs] def get_appdata(self, viewname): """Retrieve app-specific data for a viewname""" validate_name(viewname) stmt = f'SELECT appdata FROM "__symtable" WHERE name = {self.placeholder};' values = (viewname,) cursor = self._query(stmt, values) res = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() if not res: return None if 'appdata' in res: return res['appdata'] return res[0]
[docs] def get_view_data(self, viewnames=None): """Retrieve information about one or more viewnames""" if viewnames: placeholders = ', '.join([self.placeholder] * len(viewnames)) stmt = f'SELECT * FROM "__symtable" WHERE name IN ({placeholders});' values = tuple(viewnames) else: stmt = 'SELECT * FROM "__symtable";' values = None cursor = self._query(stmt, values) res = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return res
[docs] def run_query(self, query): query_text, query_values = query.render(self.placeholder, self.dialect) return self._query(query_text, query_values)
[docs] def merge(self, viewname, input_views): validate_name(viewname) selects = [] types = set() for name in input_views: validate_name(name) types.add(self.table_type(name)) viewdef = self._get_view_def(name) logger.debug('merge: %s -> %s', name, viewdef) selects.append(viewdef) if len(types) > 1: raise IncompatibleType('cannot merge types ' + ', '.join(types)) stmt = ' UNION '.join(selects) sco_type = self.table_type(input_views[0]) cursor = self._create_view(viewname, stmt, sco_type, deps=input_views) self.connection.commit() cursor.close()
[docs] def remove_view(self, viewname): """Remove view `viewname`""" validate_name(viewname) cursor = self._execute('BEGIN;') self._execute(f'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "{viewname}";', cursor) self._drop_name(cursor, viewname) self.connection.commit() cursor.close()
[docs] def rename_view(self, oldname, newname): """Rename view `oldname` to `newname`""" validate_name(oldname) validate_name(newname) view_type = self.table_type(oldname) view_def = self._get_view_def(oldname) cursor = self._execute('BEGIN;') # Need to remove `newname` if it already exists self._drop_name(cursor, newname) # Now do the rename self._create_view(newname, view_def, view_type, cursor=cursor) self._execute(f'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "{oldname}"', cursor) self._drop_name(cursor, oldname) self._new_name(cursor, newname, view_type) self.connection.commit() cursor.close()
[docs] def finish(self, index=True): """Do any DB-specific post-caching/insertion activity, such as indexing""" # This is a DB-specific hook, but by default we'll do nothing pass
[docs] def assign_query(self, viewname, query, sco_type=None): """ Create a new view `viewname` defined by `query` """ # Deduce SCO type and "deps" of viewname from query on = deps = [on] schema = None if not sco_type: sco_type = self.table_type(on) logger.debug('Deduced type of %s as %s', viewname, sco_type) if query.groupby: if not bool(query.aggs) and sco_type: schema = self.schema(sco_type) # if no aggs supplied, do "auto aggregation" if schema: query.aggs = _make_aggs(query.groupby.cols, sco_type, schema) stmt = _format_query(query, self.dialect) logger.debug('assign_query: %s', stmt) cursor = self._create_view(viewname, stmt, sco_type, deps=deps) self.connection.commit() cursor.close()
[docs] def value_counts(self, viewname, path): """ Get the count of observations of each value in `viewname`.`path` Returns list of dicts like {'{column}': '...', 'count': 1} """ validate_name(viewname) _, _, column = path.rpartition(':') qry = Query([ Table(viewname), Join('__contains', 'id', '=', 'target_ref'), Join('observed-data', 'source_ref', '=', 'id'), ]) joins, table, col = self.path_joins(viewname, None, path) qry.extend(joins) qry.extend([ Group([Column(col, table, path)]), Aggregation([('COUNT', '*', 'count')]) ]) cursor = self.run_query(qry) return cursor.fetchall()
def _query_one(self, qry): # Utility func for `number_observed()` and `summary()` try: cursor = self.run_query(qry) res = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() except UnknownViewname as e: # Probably __contains, if no observed-data has been loaded logger.warning('Missing table: %s', e) res = None except InvalidAttr: # Probably a "grouped"/aggregate POD table (no id) res = None return res
[docs] def number_observed(self, viewname, path, value=None): """ Get the count of observations of `value` in `viewname`.`path` Returns integer count """ qry = Query([ Table(viewname), Join('__contains', 'id', '=', 'target_ref'), Join('observed-data', 'source_ref', '=', 'id') ]) joins, _, col = self.path_joins(viewname, None, path) qry.extend(joins) if value: qry.append(Filter([Predicate(col, '=', value)])) qry.append(Aggregation([('SUM', 'number_observed', 'count')])) res = self._query_one(qry) if res: count = int(res['count']) if res['count'] else 0 else: count = self.count(viewname) return count
[docs] def extract_observeddata_attribute( self, viewname, name_of_attribute, path=None, value=None, limit=None, run=True): """ Get the observations of `value` in `viewname`.`path` Returns list of dicts like {'name_of_attribute': '...', '{column}': '...'} `name_of_attribute` can be a str or list of str (to get multiple attrs) """ qry = Query([ Table(viewname), Join('__contains', 'id', '=', 'target_ref'), Join('observed-data', 'source_ref', '=', 'id') ]) table = viewname if path: if isinstance(path, (list, tuple)): paths = path column = None else: paths = [path] column = path else: paths = [] column = None proj = [] for p in paths: if p == '*': continue joins, table, column = self.path_joins(viewname, None, p) qry.extend(joins) proj.append(Column(column, table, p)) if column and value is not None: qry.append(Filter([Predicate(column, '=', value)])) if isinstance(name_of_attribute, str): attrs = [name_of_attribute] elif isinstance(name_of_attribute, list): attrs = name_of_attribute else: raise TypeError('name_of_attribute must be str or list[str]') new_cols = [] for attr in attrs: if attr == 'id': new_cols.append(Column(attr, 'observed-data', 'observation_id')) else: new_cols.append(Column(attr, 'observed-data')) qry.append(Order(new_cols)) if not proj: proj = [Column('*', viewname)] qry.append(Projection(new_cols + proj)) if limit: qry.append(Limit(limit)) if run: cursor = self.run_query(qry) res = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() else: res = qry return res
[docs] def timestamped( self, viewname, path=None, value=None, timestamp='first_observed', limit=None, run=True): """ Get the timestamped observations of `value` in `viewname`.`path` Returns list of dicts like {'timestamp': '2021-10-...', '{column}': '...'} """ return self.extract_observeddata_attribute(viewname, timestamp, path, value, limit, run)
[docs] def summary(self, viewname, path=None, value=None): """ Get the first and last observed time and number observed for observations of `viewname`, optionally specifying `path` and `value`. Returns list of dicts like {'first_observed': '2021-10-...', 'last_observed': '2021-10-...', 'number_observed': N} """ qry = Query([ Table(viewname), Join('__contains', 'id', '=', 'target_ref'), Join('observed-data', 'source_ref', '=', 'id') ]) column = path if path: joins, _, column = self.path_joins(viewname, None, path) qry.extend(joins) if column and value is not None: qry.append(Filter([Predicate(column, '=', value)])) first_observed = Column('first_observed', 'observed-data') last_observed = Column('last_observed', 'observed-data') number_observed = Column('number_observed', 'observed-data') qry.append( Aggregation([ ('MIN', first_observed, 'first_observed'), ('MAX', last_observed, 'last_observed'), ('SUM', number_observed, 'number_observed'), ]) ) res = self._query_one(qry) if not res or res['number_observed'] is None: c = self.count(viewname) res = {'first_observed': None, 'last_observed': None, 'number_observed': c} elif res['number_observed'] is not None: res['number_observed'] = int(res['number_observed']) # Convert from Decimal else: res['number_observed'] = 0 return res
[docs] def group(self, newname, viewname, by, aggs=None): """Create new view `newname` defined by grouping `viewname` by `by`""" if not isinstance(by, list): by = [by] columns = self.columns(viewname) group_colnames = [] joined = set() proj = [] qry = Query(viewname) for col in by: if isinstance(col, BinnedColumn): proj.append(col) group_colnames.append(col) elif col not in columns: joins, table, colname = self.path_joins(viewname, None, col) group_colnames.append(Column(colname, table, col)) if table not in joined: joined.add(table) qry.extend(joins) else: group_colnames.append(Column(col, viewname)) if not aggs: aggs = [] sco_type = self.table_type(viewname) for col in self.schema(sco_type): # Don't aggregate the columns we used for grouping if col['name'] in group_colnames: continue agg = auto_agg_tuple(sco_type, col['name'], col['type']) if agg: aggs.append(agg) else: tmp = [] for agg in aggs: func, attr, alias = agg if attr not in columns and attr != '*': joins, table, colname = self.path_joins(viewname, None, attr) tmp.append((func, Column(colname, table), alias)) if table not in joined: joined.add(table) qry.extend(joins) else: tmp.append(agg) aggs = tmp if proj: qry.append(Projection(proj)) qry.append(Group(group_colnames)) qry.append(Aggregation(aggs)) qry.append(Order(group_colnames)) self.assign_query(newname, qry)