Source code for firepit.deref

import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import defaultdict

from anytree import Node, PreOrderIter

from firepit.props import get_last, ref_type
from firepit.query import CoalescedColumn, Column, Filter, Join, Predicate, Projection, Query, Table, Unique

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _make_join(col_dict, lhs, ref, rhs, path, proj):
    # Use the `ref` prop as the alias for table `rhs`
    # Important because e.g. network-traffic needs to JOIN ipv4-addr twice
    alias = '.'.join(path).replace('.', '__')
            Column(c, alias, ".".join(path + [c]))
            for c in col_dict[rhs]
            if c != ref and not c.endswith('_ref')
    return Join(rhs, ref, "=", "id", how="LEFT OUTER", alias=alias, lhs=lhs)

def _join_ip_tables(col_dict, qry, path, proj, prop, prev_table):
    # Special case for when we have BOTH IPv4 and IPv6
    prefix = ".".join(path)
    for n in (4, 6):
        # Join each ip table, and alias it as {prop}4 or {prop}6
                how="LEFT OUTER",
    v4_cols = set(col_dict["ipv4-addr"])
    v6_cols = set(col_dict["ipv6-addr"])
    # Coalesce columns that are common to both
    for c in v4_cols & v6_cols:
        if c != prop and not c.endswith('_ref'):
            names = [f"{prop}{n}.{c}" for n in (4, 6)]
            proj.append(CoalescedColumn(names, f"{prefix}.{c}"))
    # Collect columns that are exclusive to one table or the other
    for c in v4_cols - v6_cols:
        if c != prop and not c.endswith('_ref'):
            for a in ("src_ref4", "dst_ref4"):
                proj.append(Column(c, a, f"{prefix}.{c}"))
    for c in v6_cols - v4_cols:
        if c != prop and not c.endswith('_ref'):
            for a in ("src_ref6", "dst_ref6"):
                proj.append(Column(c, a, f"{prefix}.{c}"))

def _get_reflists(store, view):
    otype = store.table_type(view) or view
    qry = Query([
        Filter([Predicate('source_ref', 'LIKE', f'{otype}--%')]),
    return [r['ref_name'] for r in store.run_query(qry).fetchall()]

[docs]def auto_deref(store, view, ignore=None, paths=None): """ Automatically resolve refs for backward compatibility. If `paths` is specified, only follow/deref those specific paths/properties. Use auto_deref_cached if you already have col_dict in memory. """ # Pre-load col_dict cols = store.columns(view) col_dict = {} for t in store.types(): col_dict[t] = store.columns(t) return auto_deref_cached(view, cols, col_dict, ignore, paths)
[docs]def auto_deref_cached(view, cols, col_dict, ignore=None, paths=None): """ Automatically resolve refs for backward compatibility. If `paths` is specified, only follow/deref those specific paths/properties. """ proj = [] if 'id' not in cols: # view is probably an aggregate; bail return [], None if not ignore: ignore = defaultdict(list) ignore['x-oca-asset'] = ['parent_process_ref'] if paths is not None: # Only include these specific columns include = set() for path in paths: if path == "*": include.update(cols) break if "_ref" in path and path not in cols: # This seems like a hack part = path.split('.')[0] include.add(part) elif path in cols: include.add(path) proj.append(Column(path, view)) else: # Not sure where it came from include.add(path) proj.append(path) cols = [c for c in cols if c in include] for col in cols: if (not col.endswith("_ref") or view == 'relationship' and col in ('source_ref' ,'target_ref')): proj.append(Column(col, view)) if col_dict: all_types = set(col_dict.keys()) col_dict[view] = cols # TEMP: make sure this has no bad side effects mixed_ips = ('ipv4-addr' in all_types and 'ipv6-addr' in all_types) root = _dfs(col_dict, view, all_types=all_types, ignore=ignore) #print(RenderTree(root)) joins = [] aliases = {} for node in PreOrderIter(root): if node.parent: path = [n.edge for n in node.path if n.edge] parent = aliases.get(, aliases[] = '.'.join(path).replace('.', '__') if mixed_ips and"ipv"): # special case for concurrent ipv4 and 6 _join_ip_tables(col_dict, joins, path, proj, node.edge, parent) else: joins.append(_make_join(col_dict, parent, node.edge,, path, proj)) if == 'process' and 'parent_ref' in col_dict['process']: # special case for process:parent_ref path = [n.edge for n in node.path if n.edge] + ['parent_ref'] parent = '.'.join(path).replace('.', '__') alias = aliases.get('process', node.edge) # This sets up the projection but gets the JOIN wrong _make_join(col_dict, parent, 'parent_ref', 'process', path, proj) joins.append(Join('process', 'parent_ref', '=', 'id', how='LEFT OUTER', alias=parent, lhs=alias)) # Only handle reflists for root node? #reflists = _get_reflists(store, view) #for reflist in reflists: if paths and paths != ['*']: # Trim/reorder projection ordered_proj = [] col_map = OrderedDict() if proj: for p in proj: if hasattr(p, "alias") and p.alias: name = p.alias elif hasattr(p, "name"): name = else: name = p col_map[name] = p for p in paths: ordered_proj.append(col_map.get(p, p)) elif include: ordered_proj = paths proj = Projection(ordered_proj) else: proj = Projection(proj) return joins, proj
def _dfs(col_dict, sco_type, parent=None, ref=None, all_types=None, ignore=None): """Depth-first search for reference dependencies""" node = Node(sco_type, parent=parent, edge=ref) props = col_dict[sco_type] ignore_props = ignore.get(sco_type, []) for prop in props: if prop.endswith("_ref") and prop not in ignore_props: rtypes = list(set(ref_type(sco_type, get_last(prop))) & all_types) ptype = rtypes[0] if rtypes else None if ptype and ptype != sco_type: _dfs(col_dict, ptype, parent=node, ref=prop, all_types=all_types, ignore=ignore) return node
[docs]def unresolve(objects): """Do the opposite of auto_deref: split out reference objects""" assert isinstance(objects, list) for obj in objects: assert isinstance(obj, dict) pruned = {} reffed = defaultdict(dict) for prop in sorted(obj): if '_ref.' in prop: # Split off the first part (e.g. src_ref) ref, _, rest = prop.partition('.') # Add prop to new obj reffed[ref][rest] = obj[prop] # just add ref to obj if rest == 'id': pruned[ref] = obj[prop] else: pruned[prop] = obj[prop] for new_obj in reffed.values(): # Deduce type if 'id' in new_obj and new_obj['id']: otype, _, _ = new_obj['id'].partition('--') new_obj['type'] = otype yield from unresolve([new_obj]) yield pruned